Seed World
March 3 - March 5
Kigali, , Rwanda
May 5 - May 9
Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand
June 15 - June 19
Overland Park, KS, United States

Join Seed World for an exclusive interview with Charles Miller and Mark Hoogendoorn of Solynta as they discuss their journey...

Join Marcel Bruins, Editorial Director of Seed World Europe, as he sits down with Dr. Jovan Djordjevic, Director of UC...

Join us as Professor Birte Boelt from Aarhus University reveals how multispectral imaging is transforming the seed industry. Discover how...

What does the future of plant breeding look like? Marcel Bruins, Editorial Director of Seed World Europe, sits down with...

Seed World Europe

Seed World Europe

Seed World Europe

Brent Collins has  become known as a strategic visionary with a knack for anticipating market needs and responding with innovative...

At the recent meetings of the Prairie Grain Development Committee, Seed World Canada sat down with Howard Love, lead scientist...

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency recently launched its 2024 Seed Regulatory Modernization (SRM) winter consultation and survey. The first consultation...

As she wraps up her stint as chair of the Prairie Grain Development Committee, the owner of Sheri’s Ag Consulting...