EPO grants new CRISPR/Cas9 Patent to CVC, expanding RNA-Cas9 IP protection for 150+ ERS genomics licensees.
ERS Genomics (‘ERS’), founded to provide broad access to the foundational CRISPR/Cas9 intellectual property developed by Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier, announced Feb. 26 that the European Patent Office (‘EPO’) has granted patent number EP 4 289 948.
The divisional patent includes broad independent claims covering single guide RNAs, modified DNA-targeting RNAs, and guide RNA-Cas9 combinations. The patent is co-owned by Prof. Charpentier, The Regents of the University of California, and the University of Vienna (collectively known as CVC), according to a press release.
“The EPO’s decision to grant EP 4 289 948 with broad claims reinforces CVC’s leadership position in CRISPR IP in Europe and validates our strategic decision to self-revoke two legacy CRISPR/Cas9 patents,” John E Milad, CEO of ERS Genomics, said. “This decision provides our 150+ licensees with greater confidence in their rights, while maintaining CVC’s established patent leadership in Europe.
“We also look forward to the forthcoming decision on CRISPR patent Interference in the US. Regardless of the outcome, we will continue to hold foundational and essential patents that give our licensees protection and allow them to operate with confidence in the field of CRISPR/Cas9. Today’s approval by the EPO only further strengthens our position.”