Seed World

Signing Off from ISF’s World Seed Congress, with Thanks!

All quiet before the General Assembly.

The global seed sector’s premiere annual event, the International Seed Federation’s World Seed Congress, officially wrapped up yesterday after three packed days in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 

Throughout the Congress, Seed World Group’s home base was the Seed World Media Centre. The Media Centre was a buzz of activity all week.

Whether you’re looking to relive the World Seed Congress’ learning and fun or you missed Rotterdam and are looking to experience highlights now, we’ve got you covered. We’re pleased to have captured many of the Congress’ key take-away moments and most important sector perspectives via exclusive interviews conducted all week. You’ve already seen and read some of our live coverage in our Seed World Daily newsletters earlier this week. Keep checking our website ( and your Seed World newsletters for more perspective and key take-aways from Rotterdam.

We’re delighted to have made new connections, built memories with old friends, and had a ton of fun and learning along the way. If we missed you, please reach out

On the subject of thanks, big thanks and kudos to the organizers of ISF’s World Seed Congress. The event was productive, informative and well-planned. We encourage anyone who skipped Rotterdam this year to join us next year in Istanbul. As we said in frequently throughout this week, there really is no replacement for face-to-face.

Next year’s destination: Istanbul!!