Seed World

Here’s How We Saw It: Snapshots From the World Seed Congress

The massive floral “Take a Seed Chair” is drawing a big crowd. Perfect for taking photos at the event.

Friendships renewed, business partnerships confirmed, business deals in discussion… and a whole lot of handshakes. From the registration desk to the opening ceremony to the live panel discussions, Seed World is on the ground in Rotterdam.    

Seed World Europe Editorial Director Marcel Bruins arrived in Rotterdam on Sunday, May 26.
The moment the doors opened, hundreds of delegates streamed in, eager to get their congress badge.
All delegates receive a free copy of the Seed World International edition and the ISF centennial book.
Showing off the Seed World International edition featuring Jaap Mazereeuw.
Seed World President Shawn Brook is out on the course with our ISF friends. Thanks to Incotec for an amazing day on the green!
Michael Keller (ISF Secretary General), Bernard Le Buanec (former Secretary-General of ISF) and Marcel Bruins (former Secretary-General of ISF) at the ISF President’s Dinner.
Michael Keller, ISF Secretary-general addresses the crowd at the opening ceremony May 27, 2024.
The ISF 2024 opening ceremony.
Enthusiastic crowd at the ISF opening ceremony – including Seed World Europe’s Editorial Director Marcel Bruins.
Beth Bechdol, FAO Director-General at the opening ceremony.
His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands