Seed World

John Larsen on Challenges, Trends, and the Geopolitical Situation in the Seed Industry

John Larsen - Executive Vice President, SBU Greater Europe at DLF - ISF World Seed Congress 2023

At the ISF World Seed Congress 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa, Marcel Bruins, Editorial Director of European Seed, sits down with John Larsen, Executive Vice President, SBU Greater Europe at DLF. They discuss the current geopolitical situation, and how this is affecting the market dynamics in the seed business. Larsen shares how the forage & turf sector was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and explains whether things are back to normal again. He also talks about the current trends in supply and demand, and the tools that are available to adjust the balance. He also mentions what has been the effect of the huge fluctuations in commodity prices, when it comes to energy and freight on the seed market, and how it affected the company’s costs and earnings. Finally, they talk about climate change and what the company is doing to develop more climate tolerant crops.