Seed World

New Next Gen Hybrid Varieties for Canola Hit the Market

Pacific Seeds released two new hybrids: Hyola Regiment XC and Hyola Solstice CL. The hybrids provide Australian growers with enhanced performance, disease tolerance and options for Integrated Weed Management (IWM).

Hyola Regiment XC

Hyola Regiiment XC is Australia’s latest high-yielding canola hybrid that displays dual herbicide tolerance. Regiment XC is a mid-season maturity hybrid and provides growers increased grain yield, plant vigor and a higher gain oil content. The hybrid combines, “the wider spray window provided by TruFlex technology with the ability to apply IMI herbicides in-crop or to plant into soils with IMI soil residue,” according to a release.

Regiment XC presents dual herbicide tolerance, in addition to “lodging resistance rating, even flowering, manageable height for direct harvesting along with an exceptional blackleg rating of ‘R’ with unique quad group resistance, ADFH,” added the release.

Regiment XC is registered for TruFlex and Clearfield chemicals to be applied independently, at the instruction of the registered labels and rates.

Hyola Solstice CL

Hyola Solstice CL readies growers for the canola season ahead with its amplified performance and blackleg protection. The hybrid is a mid-maturity Hyola variety that offers a wide adaption fused with grain oil potential. Solstice CL shows strong yields in target environments and proved to be well adapted in the 1.5-5.5t/ha growing regions.

Solstice CL provides enhanced early plant vigor, high lodging resistance and a blackleg rating of “R” with a quad group resistance, ADFH. The hybrid is registered for Clearfield chemicals and should be applied following instructions from the registered labels and rates.

Solstice CL and Regiment XC are both available in limited volumes beginning in 2023.

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