‘Seed Speaks’ Breaks Ground to Provide Insights for Industry Professionals

Seed World Group is launching a new video series called Seed Speaks. This live program will feature thought leaders in seed, agriculture, human resources and other relevant subject experts.

“We’re thrilled to offer this new content experience for our readers and listeners,” says Sonja Begemann, editorial director for Seed World Group. “The way we consume information is changing, and Seed World Group is rising to meet that challenge.”

Viewers can find the videos live on the Seed World Group YouTube page and on-demand on  Twitter and LinkedIn. The videos will be shared on Seed World, Germination and European Seed and will air every Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. central standard time. Videos feature panel-style interviews that dive into issues that matter for seed industry professionals.

The series will be hosted by the company’s editorial team, including Alex Martin, editor of Seed World; Mark Zienkiewicz, editor of Germination; Ashley Robinson, editor of Alberta Seed Guide; and Sonja Begemann. Experts will vary in location, company and expertise but all will focus on subjects that matter to leaders and future leaders in seed.

“Our network of connections is second-to-none within the global seed sector and connecting these industry-leading professionals together and generating conversations is what drives Seed World Group to continue to be better – and this is us being better,” says Shawn Brook, president of Seed World Group. “Seed Speaks will address not only the challenges of today but will allow for dramatic and consistent growth within the industry.”

Episode 1 of Seed Speaks will air June 9, 2021, featuring experts in talent recruitment in the highly specialized seed and agriculture industry. It can be challenging to find the right candidate, so these experts will provide tips for how to attract talent, how to craft an offer and where to look for candidates who might not have an agriculture background.

If you’re interested in learning more about this dynamic new series, or have topic suggestions for future episodes, please email

About Seed World Group

With a focus on driving growth and providing solution to the global seed industry, Seed World Group has two divisions: Seed World CREATE and Seed World Media. Each serve their customers in a unique and dynamic way to meet the needs of an evolving industry.

Seed World CREATE supports businesses serving the global seed industry by creating customized strategy, processes, digital tools and content that increase sales and productivity. The company connects seed industry partners with customers to position them as experts in their field.

Seed World Media is comprised of four core properties: Seed World, Germination, Alberta Seed Guide, and European Seed. The properties serve multiple countries an include digital and print offerings. With highly sought after, issues-based content, audiences trust Seed World Media to deliver business critical industry information and insights.