On Thursday, March 21, 2019, KeyGene is planning a meetup on the perspectives of genome insights for innovation in plant breeding and plant sciences. The focus of this meetup is long read sequencing, using Oxford Nanopore Technology platforms. Researchers from industry and academia will present the progress they made and the genome insights they obtained by using this technology. Participants can choose to participate ‘off line’ or ‘interactive on-line’.
The possibilities KeyGene offers its partners from industry and academia by using Nanopore sequencing are mind blowing. KeyGene has more than a decade experience in developing protocols for the isolation of high quality, high molecular weight DNA from plant cells. The bioinformatics team transforms the sequencing data into information that gives genome insights: useful infotrmation about traits and DNA for e.g. decision making in plant breeding. Thanks to these capabilities KeyGene exploits the great long read possibilities of the GridION and PromethION platforms in research projects in an unrivalled way.
This Spring 2019 meetup on Genome Insights, one of the crop innovation platforms of KeyGene, will show the perspectives from the viewpoint of the users, from both industry and academia.
For more details and registration, please visit the event-page
Further information: send a mail to KeyGene’s communication team
Read more about KeyGene’s Genome Insights crop innovation platform