Renowned documentary filmmaker and storyteller Mike Downie will headline this year’s Canadian Seed Growers Association Annual Meeting as the keynote speaker, CSGA has announced. A multi-award-winning director and co-founder of the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund, Downie has dedicated his career to capturing and sharing narratives that define Canada’s past, present, and future.
His keynote address, titled “What’s Your Story?”, will challenge delegates to reflect on their personal experiences and the role they play in shaping the future of Canadian agriculture. Drawing from his career and personal journey, Downie will highlight the power of storytelling in leadership, community-building, and reconciliation.
Downie is best known for bringing national attention to the story of Chanie Wenjack, an Ojibway boy who died while fleeing a residential school. Through his work, he has become a leading advocate for reconciliation and cultural awareness, encouraging Canadians to engage with untold stories that shape the country’s collective identity.
His address promises to be a compelling session that encourages attendees to consider how storytelling can strengthen communities and drive meaningful progress. Delegates can expect an inspiring discussion that explores the impact of narratives in agriculture and beyond.
Go here for info on the CSGA meeting and to access the sponsorship kit.
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