Seed World

CSGA is 120 Years Young! You can Help it Celebrate

As we mark the 120th anniversary of the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA), I am filled with profound pride and gratitude. This milestone is more than just a number; it represents over a century of dedication, innovation, and hard work by countless individuals who have shaped our journey.

Glenn Logan, CSGA President

Our story began in 1904 with visionaries whose passion and perseverance laid the foundation for what CSGA has become today. Their legacy has established Canada as a global leader in seed quality, integrity and innovation. We stand on the shoulders of these pioneers, and it is their spirit that continues to drive us forward.

To our members, past and present, I extend my deepest thanks. Your unwavering commitment is the bedrock of our success. Together, we have built more than an organization; we have cultivated a community — a family united by a shared commitment to excellence in seed production and certification. We have weathered challenges, seized opportunities, and driven advancements that have not only strengthened our association but have also enriched the entire agricultural sector, delivering immense public good to all Canadians.

Looking ahead, our mission is clear: to continue leading the way in seed certification with the same passion and dedication that have brought us this far. The future holds great promise, and I am confident that together, we will continue to innovate and build upon our legacy.

In celebration of our anniversary, we’re thrilled to share our special “I Heart Certified Seed” stickers, included with the September print edition of Seed World Canada. These stickers are a small token of appreciation, symbolizing the pride we all share in being part of this remarkable journey.

Whether you place it on your combine, laptop or your Junior Seed Growers’ school backpack, you’ll be helping to spread the word about the importance of Certified seed and CSGA’s vital role in seed certification. Snap a photo of your sticker display and share it with us on social media using the hashtags #CSGA120 or #ACPS120. Your photos will be featured in our campaign — a collective tribute that honours our past, celebrates our present and inspires our future.

Thank-you for 120 incredible years. Here’s to the next 120 and beyond as we continue to drive progress and create a brighter future for Canada’s seed, agri-food and agriculture sectors.