The blue Certified seed tag has tremendous brand recognition in Canada and abroad. At CSGA, we are future- proofing the blue tag — moving away from a patchwork of handwritten and printed tags to a new dynamic platform that will unlock new value and opportunities for years to come. Our pilot project of digitally-enabled tags for Breeder and Select class seed, the two pedigreed seed classes within CSGA’s authority, is one way to do exactly that.
CSGA Executive Director
Digital seed tags make sense. They provide increased transparency, information flow within the seed sector, benefits to plant breeding innovation and strengthened seed sector value. Digital tags offer the option to print Breeder and Select seed tags from CSGA’s SeedCert plat- form on tags we provide. The project is funded by the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) AgriAssurance Program, allowing us take one more step toward our vision of a modern and efficient seed certification system.
You see QR codes everywhere today, including our digital seed certificates. They are a quick and safe way to share added information digitally. In fact, the OECD Seed Schemes are looking at how QR codes could be used to increase the integrity of their certification program and provide new value opportunities.
By incorporating a QR code on our new seed tags, customers can scan it to validate the legitimacy of the seed and get additional data, which could include germination reports, certificates of analysis and Plant Breeders’ Rights status.
Seed companies can use the platform to provide more variety information like agronomic data from trials and descriptions. The opportunities are endless and customizable to each producer or seed company’s needs and comfort level.
At our upcoming July Annual General Meeting, you can interact with and test out our new digital seed tags. Yes, that’s right — in person.
I’m excited to say our 2023 AGM is taking place in person in St. John’s, Nfld. With the theme of “On the Edge of Canada,” we’re engaging members and sector partners on everything from seed certification to what technology and skills our sector needs for a next-generation seed system.
Getting back together for the first time in three years and in such a unique location, we’re making it extra special with fun network- ing events — golf, whale watching and SeCan’s pub crawl, “Rally in the Alley,” Sunday evening. AGM business includes an engaging keynote speaker, panel discussions, and sessions covering key issues like Seed Regulatory Modernization (SRM).
Check out for more AGM details and see you there!