Seed World

Saskatchewan Seed Growers Vote No to Their Association Joining Seeds Canada

At its virtual annual meeting today, members of the Saskatchewan Seed Growers’ Association voted down a resolution recommending the organization join Seeds Canada as an affiliate member.

The resolution, supported by incoming SSGA president Mike Shewchuk, stated that “whereas the Saskatchewan Seed Growers’ Association has been a longstanding member of the Canadian Seed Trade Association, and whereas much common ground is shared with our industry partners represented by Seeds Canada, and whereas there is a benefit for the SSGA to be in the same room and participate in the discussions, decisions, and direction of Seeds Canada, be it resolved that the SSGA apply to become an affiliate members of Seeds Canada.”

The resolution was ultimately voted down after some members expressed concern that joining Seeds Canada could be viewed as an endorsement of the new national seed organization, especially after members of the Canadian Seed Growers Association voted no last year to amalgamating with the seed industry’s four other dedicated seed associations to form Seeds Canada.

On Feb. 1, Seeds Canada will be formed through an amalgamation of the Canadian Seed Trade Association, Canadian Plant Technology Agency, Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada, and the Canadian Seed Institute.

Other members said that Seeds Canada should be given time to organize itself before SSGA considers joining, with some members recommending revisiting the issue in a year’s time.

Under Seeds Canada’s bylaws, affiliate members:

  • Are made up of public and not-for-profit institutions that represent segments or regions of the seed sector (i.e., provincial seed associations, universities, international associations).
  • This Class has access to membership services.
  • Candidates for governance positions may be drawn from this class.
  • They have no voting rights except in exceptional circumstances.