Seed World

CSI Will Resume Audits

In a statement released this week, the Canadian Seed Institute has instructed its auditors that they may begin conducting on-site audits again if both the facility and auditor are comfortable with an on-site visit.

“If you are not comfortable with an in-person visit from an auditor, you may be eligible for a remote audit. Please contact your auditor to discuss your options,” the statement reads.

If a facility does proceed with an on-site audit, CSI expects this activity to take place in a physically-distanced manner, and with appropriate safety precautions taken by both the facility and the auditor.

CSI released a list of recommendations that provided to the auditors for minimizing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 during CSI activities.

“Please be accommodating to the auditor’s social practices (e.g. if they wish to wear a mask, sanitize the work surface area, etc.), and know that we expect the auditors to adjust their social practices to ensure you are comfortable during an audit,” the statement goes on to read.

If you have any questions at all, please contact CSI at 1-800-516-3300.