Seed World

Mental Health Awareness Program Now Accepting Applications

Year two of the rural mental health training program presented by the Do More Agriculture Foundation (DMA) and Farm Credit Canada (FCC) has officially launched and is accepting applications.

The training and workshops are aimed at developing community members who will be trained to identify mental health concerns and provide initial supports to producers coping with difficult or unfortunate circumstances. The program will be offered at no cost to participants.

“The training is aimed at raising mental health awareness and equipping participants with basic skills to provide assistance when help is not immediately available,” said Adelle Stewart, Executive Director of Do More Ag.

In addition to the funding provided by FCC, the program relies on “Community Leaders” to apply on behalf of their community to bring the training to their rural area. They work directly with DMA and the facilitators to organize and market the training.

“Community Leaders who apply to bring in and help organize the trainings are truly the cornerstone of the program” said Stewart.

The fund is open to all rural agriculture communities across Canada. Interested individuals can apply online at until Oct. 10, 2019.