Seed World

Canada Should Correct its ‘Mistakes’ if it Wants to Solve Canola Spat, China Says

Geng Shuang

China’s official state-run news agency reported on Wednesday that China’s suspending of imports of canola seed from Canada is “scientifically sound and reasonable,” and is in keeping with Chinese practice concerning phytosanitary issues.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang made the remarks when asked to comment on China’s decisions to cancel canola export registrations for Richardson International and Viterra.

Geng said that “the Chinese side has taken these precautionary quarantine measures to ensure safety.”

Geng went on to say Canada “should work with China to promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations,” adding that “the Canadian side should take some concrete measures to correct its previous mistakes.”

He did not elaborate as to what he feels those mistakes are, but many believe China’s decision to stop importing canola from Canada is a form of retaliation for Canada’s arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou last year.