Seed World

Giant Views of the Industry | January 2014


Innovation Will Help Us Top an Impressive 2013

jan14_gv_12013 marked a record year for crop yields across Canada. Most significantly, wheat toppled 2012 yields by  38 per cent and canola smashed last year’s record by nearly 30 per cent. Barley, oats, flax, lentils, peas, corn and soybeans also set records for yields._x000D_
Crop producers continue to break yield barriers in the face of adversity. Mother Nature is not always as kind and nurturing as her title might suggest. Weather extremes are now the norm; it seems there is either too much heat and moisture or not enough. Of course, changing weather patterns lead to increased disease pressure and pest infestations. All of this adds up to putting crops and producers alike under great stress._x000D_
I am proud to be part of an innovative company and industry, which continually prepares crop producers to rise to the challenges that they are presented each and every growing season. Researchers and product developers are patenting innovations and technological advancements that give producers opportunities like never before. Crop producers are also doing their part by quickly adopting new practices and products to allow them to succeed._x000D_
One example of this is applying fertilizer directly on the seed. While treating seed with crop protection products is old hat for producers, seed-applied nutrition is a new, innovative class of seed treatment. It puts nutrients right where they are needed during germination — on the seed._x000D_
What we’ve heard from producers is this type of innovation is essential for maximum yield and return on investment. With the trend toward earlier seeding, they can get into the field with confidence regardless of soil conditions by using seed-applied nutrition to get the crop off to the best possible start._x000D_
We applaud producers for adopting this new best practice and for embracing other new technologies that we deliver to help them meet the specific and changing needs of their crops._x000D_
New chemistries, for example are also pushing new boundaries and offering crop producers strategies to overcome the odds. Active ingredients are continually being developed or repackaged to give growers another tool for increasing yield, enhancing quality or managing resistance._x000D_
You can be certain that our industry did not pause for very long to celebrate the yield achievements of 2013; we are already busy preparing how can we help crop producers push yields even further in 2014 and beyond._x000D_
Jeff Crampton, general manager, Loveland Products Canada Inc.