Melissa Shipman – Seed World Contributor

Walla Walla County in Washington state produces a significant portion of the nation’s alfalfa seed,...
Alfalfa is sometimes called the “Queen of forages,” because it is a high-yielding nutritional powerhouse...

Plant breeding to meet global demand for protein is on the rise. Global demand for...

Meanwhile, gene-editing technologies are allowing for precise modifications to genes and Moolec Science, a molecular...

Sotol está a punto de sacudir el sector de las bebidas espirituosas, y las semillas...

Alfalfa leaf protein already has many of the functional properties that human consumption requires; however,...

Sotol is poised to shake up the spirits industry, and seeds have a crucial role...

Breeders start with seeds to build better-tasting vegetables. The seed industry is stepping up to...

New greenspace plant varieties are key to keeping urban spaces livable. Cities have always held...

Diverse voices from around the world come together to discuss the future of global seed...
Celebrate the power of connection and communication with fruits and vegetables! Learn how to make...
The future is here! Learn how to embrace the new normal and make the most...