Last fall, three African soybean breeders visited the University of Missouri and University of Illinois,...
The bean plays a crucial, and often overlooked, role in global agriculture. The common dry...
The Ghanaian woman farmer simply laughed at any thought of switching her soy plot with...
The people of Pakistan exhibit nothing if not passion. Those hailing from agriculturally prominent Punjab,...
Alan Walters holds deep passion for helping U.S. farmers produce vegetable crops more efficiently while...
In a rush to make a difference, fledgling plant breeding programs in lesser-developed regions of...
When soybeans well adapted within a given temperate zone are grown in low-latitude areas (the...
The rapid advancement and adoption of new technologies, fueled by a highly educated populace and...
Seed systems throughout much of sub-Sahara Africa are quite informal and lack the structure we’ve...
Following a Peace Corps post in Mali in the mid- to late-1980s, Kerry Clark joined...
Dennis Thompson highlights the value of Seed Programs International and shares some insight as to...
Not all stories are as dramatic as that of Miatta Sirleaf, Aloysius Tamba or Anne...
Joint initiatives between industry and academia have revitalized plant breeder training and preparatory programs, and...
Opportunities and Challenges in Afghanistan War, drought and social collapse have greatly impaired land management...
Challenges Hinder Seed Industry Development in Africa A patchwork quilt of more than 60 sovereign...