Seed World

IPSA Announces Scholarship Winners

IPSA is pleased to announce the 2016/17 recipients of the IPSA Student Recognition Award, the Ted Asplin Scholarship and the Buckhorn Scholarship.
For this year, the board approved 3 scholarships at $2,000 each, followed by 4 scholarships at $1,000 each.
This was an incredible year, as we had over 180 applicants for our scholarship program. As you can imagine, the competition was tough.
We would like to thank everyone who referred students and those who applied. A very special thanks to the members of the IPSA Scholarship and Education Committee for their tireless work in reviewing applications.
Our top 3 recipients will join us at our Annual meeting in San Diego for the award presentations. They are:
Nora Farris
Nora is currently enrolled at the University of Missouri, majoring in Science, Agricultural Journalism and Agricultural Economics. She has served as Missouri State FFA Secretary and has recieved her National FFA Degree along with a multitude of other accomplishments. Nora will be in Washington DC this summer Ag Policy Intern for FLM+ before returning to Mizzou. With her accomplishments, Nora will receive the IPSA Student Recognition Award.
Kassidy Kimpling
Kassidy will receive the Myron “Ted” Asplin Foundation Scholarship. Kassidy hails from Streator, IL and will enter the University of Illinois as a freshman this fall – majoring in Agricultural Business / Communications. She grew up on a grain farm and knows the seed business. She has participated in literally dozens of organizations, serving both Agriculture and her community.
Madeline Poole
Madeline is another student from Illinois, coming to us from Chicago. She will enter the University of Illinois this fall majoring in Ag and Biological Engineering. Maddie is
Valedictorian of the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences this year and was a Borlaug-Ruan International Scholar in 2015. With her accomplishments, she will receive the IPSA Student Recognition Award.
Equally important are our additional recipients. Each of them will receive a $1,000 scholarship
Brian Kerestes
Recipient of the Buckhorn Scholarship. Brian also received the Student Recognition in 2015 from IPSA. Brian is from Streator, IL and attends Purdue University.
Travis Koester
Recipient of the IPSA Student Recognition Award. Travis is from Wadesville, IN and attends Purdue University.
Thomas Poole
Recipient of the IPSA Student Recognition Award. Thomas attends the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and is from Chicago, IL.
Cole Hamilton
Recipient of the IPSA Student Recognition Award. Cole attends Western Kentucky University and is from Owensboro, KY.
IPSA will be working with mentors to host Nora, Kassidy & Madeline at our Annual Meeting, and mentors to present to Brian, Travis, Thomas and Cole later this fall.
Congratulations students!