FGI and Alforex Announce Litigation Resolution


Forage Genetics International, LLC (FGI), and Alforex Seeds, LLC, have been involved in litigation concerning the advertising of certain varieties of alfalfa seeds. FGI and Alforex are pleased to announce that the litigation has been resolved. This enables Alforex, Dairyland Seed and Mycogen to add alfalfa varieties that contain the unique attributes of FGI’s HarvXtra and Roundup Ready traits to their product offerings and will significantly broaden grower access to HarvXtra and Roundup Ready alfalfa technology. Alforex will continue to offer a broad variety of technology choices to their alfalfa customers, including Hi-Gest, an alfalfa seed product developed via conventional breeding that offers forage quality advantages.

FGI’s HarvXtra technology delivers a significant reduction in lignin when compared to any variety currently available in the market. Research supports that the lignin modification in HarvXtra represents a material advance in alfalfa forage quality beyond what is currently possible with conventional breeding, giving alfalfa growers a unique and novel opportunity for improved forage quality. HarvXtra technology also provides the potential for increased flexibility in harvest management over conventional alfalfa cultivars. FGI’s HarvXtra trait stack combines this significant reduction of lignin content and composition with Roundup Ready technology for improved weed control.