Seed World

Share your Thoughts: The Winter 2023 SRM Consultation is Underway

The long-awaited Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Winter Consultation regarding Seed Regulatory Modernization (SRM) is now underway.

The consultation is designed to update stakeholders on progress made to-date towards modernizing the Seeds Regulations.

It’s the first of two consultations planned for SRM related to seed crops only; it does not include updates or questions specific to seed potatoes or Part II of the Seeds Regulations.

A separate consultation process for the seed potato industry is planned and will include several in-person meetings with a wide cross-section of seed potato stakeholders, according to the CFIA.

An online survey is now available to solicit feedback on recommendations for change being put forth. Information and questions are grouped based on the stages of the seed regulatory lifecycle, from development through to sale. Anyone filling out the survey has the choice to complete all or only certain sections relevant to their situation, CFIA says on its website.

To access the survey click here.

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