Seed World

Univar Solutions’ NexusAg to Distribute Novozymes Biological Products in Canada

Univar Inc. announced today that Novozymes has chosen Univar Solutions’ NexusAg as the sole distributor for its downstream BioYield enhancers in Canada. The agreement will go into effect at the end of June 2019 and does not cover JumpStart XL and BioRise offerings, which will remain with Bayer.

“We are very excited to partner with Univar Solutions in continuing to deliver our leading inoculant products in Canada,” said Thomas Batchelor, vice president, BioAg commercial at Novozymes, in a news release. “Univar Solutions has been a great partner to Novozymes across our business segments over many years, and we firmly believe they will also be a strong partner in our key, Canadian BioAg business. Alongside our continued partnership with Bayer and new partnership with UPL, both announced earlier today, we believe we have the right partner base to enable us to continue our goal of delivering effective, microbial solutions to help farmers with their challenges in feeding a growing world more sustainably.”

Univar Solutions’ NexusAg will provide a dedicated sales presence that is focused on bringing superior market intelligence data and analytics to predict trends and drive growth, the companies added.

“Univar Solutions has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to bringing value driven products and brands to an increasingly advanced world of ‘smart farming’, said Neil Douglas, vice president of agriculture for Univar Solutions. “We are incredibly excited to further demonstrate this commitment through such a well-known and widely respected company as Novozymes and look forward to managing and distributing their main downstream BioYield products in the pulse-driven Canadian market.”