Seed World

Conference Day 2: Another Important Day Ahead

After a day of learning about various cereal crops and the like, now your attention can turn to tomorrow’s agenda, which is another exciting day for attendees and members of the General Assembly.

Getting our hands deeper in the dirt, the first session of the day deals with seed security and seed diversity. More than half of all productivity gains across crops is due to improved genetics and this share is expected to grow even further. The Commission has defined seed security and diversity as a specific goal for the Farm-to-Fork strategy. This session will relate this goal to the on-going evaluation of the EU’s seed marketing legislation, concentrating on the expectations and needs of professional seed users and seed suppliers.

Moving onto vegetables and ornamentals, the second session of the day will build upon the first. The debate will focus on the specific needs or constraints of the seed supply for non-commercial users such as private and hobby gardeners. This session will also look at seed diversity and the new EU rules and an update will be provided on the BRESOV project on improving organic vegetable seed production.