The impact of Brexit on agriculture, the seed sector and adjacent providers, such as the crop protection industry will be manifold. Major challenges include divergence on community IP rights, variety listing and maintenance, DUS reports, enforcement of IP rights, phytosanitary barriers and overall trade. Most people agree that Brexit is likely to lead to lower number of varieties being registered and protected in the UK. And through that very hurdle, it will deprive UK farmers of the best germplasm they could get, and UK consumers of much needed innovative products in their grocery aisles. In earlier issues of European Seed, we talked about the negative impact of Brexit on agriculture, the seed sector, the environment and much more. A petition to “Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU” has already been signed over 6 million times! Overseeing the myriad of detrimental impacts, one could argue it is time for a EU-turn!