Seedling Emergence, the Power of Seed Treatments and Enhancements

Seed Treatment Account Manager,
for Tidal Grow® AgriScience

Levi Tipton, Seed Treatment Account Manager for Tidal Grow® AgriScience, is a forward-thinking seedsman driven by a mission to deliver value from business-to-business relationships all the way down to the farm gate. Rooted in a family farm in Iowa, his journey spans seed production, agronomy support, and a Master’s in Seed Technology and Business from Iowa State University.

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There’s something deeply satisfying about seeing a field full of newly emerged seedlings in the spring. It’s a visible promise of what’s to come — a sign that the season is off to a strong start. But beyond the emotional boost it gives us, fast seedling emergence plays a crucial role in crop performance, impacting everything from yield potential to stress tolerance.

A Competitive Advantage

In the race to establish dominance in the field, early germination gives crops a critical edge. Fast-emerging seedlings quickly develop strong root systems, securing their access to essential nutrients, water and sunlight. The quicker they establish themselves, the better they can outcompete weeds that are also vying for resources. This early jumpstart sets the foundation for a more uniform stand, which ultimately leads to better yield consistency at harvest.

Reducing Risk of Soil-Borne Diseases and Pests

Soil-borne pathogens like Pythium and Fusarium are notorious for attacking crops pre-emergence with lingering issues post-emergence, with the impact on yield not evident until harvest. The longer a seed lingers in the soil, the more vulnerable it becomes to these yield-robbing diseases. Speeding up emergence helps crops avoid prolonged exposure, allowing them to establish before infections take hold.

The same goes for insect pressure. When seeds sit in the soil for extended periods, they become prime targets for pests like soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) and root-feeding larvae. But when seedlings push through the ground even just a day or two earlier, there’s less opportunity for these pests to cause damage. That small timing shift can make a big difference in overall plant health and productivity.

Stronger Tolerance to Abiotic Stress

We can’t control the weather, but we can give our crops a better chance of thriving in unpredictable conditions. Faster seedling emergence leads to improved vigor and stand establishment, making plants more resilient against environmental stressors like drought and extreme temperature swings. The sooner a crop is actively growing and photosynthesizing, the better equipped it is to handle stress throughout the season.

A Simple Yet Powerful Strategy

In the world of crop production, every day counts. Accelerating seedling emergence by even a small margin can provide tangible benefits in weed competition, disease avoidance, pest resistance, and stress tolerance. While it may seem like a small factor in the big picture of farming, it’s often these early-season advantages that pave the way for a successful harvest.

When those first green shoots break through the soil, the crop is on the right track. And that’s a feeling that never gets old.