Seed World LATAM sat down with Waldemar Dell Campollo, Executive Director of ASEG (Guatemala), to ask him three critical questions about today’s seed sector.
1. Professional Conversations: What skills do today’s plant breeders need to succeed?
Plant breeders must have technical skills as well as soft skills to learn how to communicate effectively, identify opportunities for personal improvement, and collaborate in teams. There are six key traits that professionals in plant breeding should possess:
- Broad knowledge of scientific advances and their interrelation:
Science is advancing rapidly, and disciplines are no longer isolated. Genetics, chemistry, biology, and “omics” sciences are increasingly interconnected, thanks to artificial sciences like informatics, artificial intelligence, and digital platforms that provide accelerated responses to breeding processes. - Integration:
The interdisciplinary scientific revolution is redefining knowledge boundaries, requiring the integration of multidisciplinary teams of experts. - Communication:
Clearly communicating advances in science, technology, and innovation is vital for their understanding. Effectively conveying findings to the scientific community and farmers ensures the acceptance of new discoveries as the result of science rather than misconceptions. - Skepticism:
Plant breeders must question beliefs using scientific knowledge, doubting information not supported by evidence. As science progresses, even established scientific knowledge may have biases. - Analytical Thinking:
With the extensive technological tools and resources available in nature, today’s breeders must know when to use rapid breeding techniques and when to proceed slowly to avoid undesirable mutations. - Market Awareness:
Understanding the needs of farmers and consumers is the starting point for modern plant breeding.
2. Support for the Next Generation: How should the seed industry support a new generation of professionals?
The industry must promote open and transparent dialogues, effectively communicating the innovation, science, and technology of seeds in a changing world, while focusing on the needs of different sectors. Most importantly, it should ensure sustainability in the sector.
Flexibility is key to bridging generational gaps. Younger generations tend to access information faster and more accurately but require support in executing plans and projects. Achieving balance in a team and maximizing the capabilities of different generations is essential for promising results.
3. The Impact of AI: In the new era of the seed industry, where AI is transforming business operations, how do you foresee AI transforming the sector in the next decade?
In general, AI will provide tools for the continuous assessment of processes, including crop improvement, operational efficiency, consumer preferences, inventory management, and costs, leading to greater efficiencies and a stronger focus on value creation.
Artificial intelligence is the new catalyst for innovation and scientific discoveries, enabling the interconnection of all disciplines and providing scientists with innovative solutions to previously complex problems.
The potential of artificial intelligence is unimaginable. It is revolutionizing the seed industry from the DNA level. Through advanced algorithms and digital platforms, it will provide essential tools for farmers to optimize planting schedules, manage precise resource use, ensure crop health, and allow producers to maximize their profits.
Emerging and innovative AI technologies promise to transform agriculture and life toward a more resilient, sustainable, and prosperous future for the population.