Innovation Front and Centre at AMSAC 2024 Convention

Left to right: At podium, Mario Puente (Director of AMSAC), Martha Luisa Vélez, Luis Fernando Haro, Juan Enrique Labastida Blake, Dr. Leobigildo Córdova Téllez, María Carmen Moreno García, Dr. Juan Antonio Villanueva Jiménez and Dr. Jorge Armando Bonilla Cárdenas.

The Mexican seed industry gathered in Guadalajara to talk opportunities and challenges, from GMOs to CRISPR to excelling as a seed sector entrepreneur.

 The city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, was the epicenter of the seed industry in Mexico, where from Oct. 9 to 11, the Mexican Association of Seed Growers, A.C. (AMSAC), held its Annual Convention. This event brought together companies dedicated to the production, marketing and distribution of improved seeds in the country, with the purpose of discussing the most recent challenges and advances in the sector.

The importance of GM seeds lies in their ability to improve agricultural yields, increase resistance to pests and diseases, and address the effects of climate change. The convention underscored how these innovations have transformed the Mexican countryside, providing vital tools for the sustainability of agriculture and food production.

Innovation and New Technologies at the Center of the Debate

A central focus of the convention was innovation in seed treatment and breeding. Carlos Garcia, Research and New Traits Leader at CTC Genomics, gave a presentation entitled “Plant Breeding Innovation, from the Lab to the Field,” where he spoke about using cutting-edge technologies such as CRISPR in crop breeding, especially in sugarcane. Garcia underlined the potential of CRISPR to generate desirable agronomic traits, such as disease resistance and increased productivity.

 “CRISPR is a powerful tool that allows direct modification of the plants’ own genes, which leads to significant improvements in crops,” García said during his presentation.

Garcia also appreciated the importance of participating in the convention. 

“Presenting at AMSAC is very valuable, as it allowed me to gain a direct understanding of the challenges that Mexican seed companies are currently facing. It was also an opportunity to generate contacts that could result in future collaborations.”

Industry Leadership and Collaboration

The convention not only provided a space for the exchange of technical knowledge, but also gave attendees the opportunity to participate in workshops and conferences on leadership and business strategy. Among the speakers were Moisés Reznick and Luis Valls, who addressed topics such as “The Power of Attitude” and “The Challenges of the Entrepreneur”. These events offered attendees a broad perspective on how to navigate entrepreneurial challenges in the context of the seed industry.

Discussing the Future of Seeds in Mexico

The AMSAC Convention brought together experts, entrepreneurs and government representatives to discuss the future of the seed industry in Mexico. With the attendance of leaders such as Juan Cortina Gallardo, president of the National Agricultural Council, discussions on sustainability, productivity and the impact of regulations on the sector were strengthened.

The event concluded with a sense of commitment among key stakeholders to continue driving innovation and collaboration in developing improved seeds, which are fundamental for strengthening the growth and development of agriculture in Mexico.


AMSAC, with more than five decades of history, has established itself as a key organization in promoting the use of improved seeds and plant breeding research in Mexico. With 90 member companies, the association represents approximately 80% of the seed market in the country, generating both direct and indirect employment throughout the country.