June 19, 2024

An international study, published in Nature, has revealed that at least 60% of the genetic...

Rodolfo Fonseca: Gerente General, Asociación Nacional de Productores de Semillas (ANAPROSE) SW: ¿Cómo describirías a ANAPROSE?...

Rodolfo Fonseca: General Manager – ANAPROSE SW: Can you describe ANAPROSE? Fonseca: ANAPROSE, Uruguay’s National...

Schindler: ANPROS invests its energy in supporting three main priorities: developing and accessing better seed...
Schindler: ANPROS invierte energía en apoyar tres prioridades principales: desarrollar y acceder a mejores variedades...

An exciting new event is set to further enhance the experience offered at the annual...

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) honored industry pioneers at the 2024 ASTA Leadership Summit...
I used to think that fake news, news that is deliberately false, misleading, or biased,...
Solía pensar que las fake news, noticias deliberadamente falsas, engañosas o tendenciosas, eran algo reciente...
The Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA) and the International Seed Federation (ISF) signed a...