December 4, 2014

Researchers study how hormones can be used to control seed dormancy and germination, saving millions...

UPOV’S databases offer a wealth of information for the seed sector. In the past few...

Throughout the food supply chain, companies focus efforts on sustainability and science? How does an...

Being able to control the entire spectrum of light brings innumerable benefits to the seed...

Yesterday evening (Dec. 3), European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis welcomed a...

Joint initiatives between industry and academia have revitalized plant breeder training and preparatory programs, and...

When selling seed balance customer priorities and potential. With tighter margins and constantly-evolving pest and...

The University of Arkansas’ System Division of Agriculture has released its first soybean variety that...

Corn owes much of its success to plant breeding advances that have increased yields and...

Dow AgroSciences President and CEO Tim Hassinger shares his perspective on risk. Named president and...

A featured segment designed to share business-critical information to seed-selling professionals. Visit to download...

New studies outline the benefits, or lack thereof, of seed treatment use in U.S. crop...

Sorghum Partners, a Chromatin Inc. brand, has announced that several of its hybrid sorghum products...

The University of California, Davis, will host a seed biology, production and quality class Feb....

Today, China feeds an estimated 22 percent of the world’s population from 9 percent of...

Weather Worries Beekeepers Bees are adaptive and can survive in diverse geographic locations with very...

Researchers study how to best use remote sensing technologies to transform plant evaluation and phenotyping...

New research shows that the use of deflectors on planters helps to reduce pollinator exposure...

120 Million Number of hectares of farmland in China. “China has a huge surface dedicated...

Neil Bentley Neil Bentley, BASF director of marketing for the U.S. Crop division, oversees the...

New research shows when caterpillars bite into a leaf, plants can detect chewing vibrations and...

Industry analysts say those involved in today’s seed business and agriculture are in for some...

This seed industry has become a global force, with more technological advances and a higher...

First, let me say welcome to the improved multiplatform Seed World. Our team has been...